Saturday, June 8, 2013

How to Save iPhone Battery Life - Part 3

  1. Check for email manually. Push email is another perennial battery drain. Normally I set all accounts to receive updates manually (i.e. when I load the app), instead of at a set frequency or via "push." The same goes for Facebook and Twitter updates; if the app is constantly refreshing in the background, it's hitting the radios and consuming power, and you're not even reading them. Head to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Fetch New Data, toggle Push at the top to Off, and then set Fetch to Manually.

  2. How to Save iPhone Battery Life - Part 3

  3. Watch your signal strength indicator. If you spend a lot of time in areas with poor reception, your iPhone will continually search for a stronger signal. This drains the battery much faster. I've left my iPhone untouched on my desk, where there's a particularly poor signal, and watched the battery drain by almost half over the course of a workday. Short of switching off your phone, there's not much you can do about this one, but keep in mind that it could be your power-sucking culprit.

  4. Check for software updates. Software updates will often contain fixes that enhance battery life. You can check for OS updates right from the phone, instead of using a USB cable and syncing with iTunes. Simply head to Settings > General > Software Update.

  5. The old power-saving standbys still help. You can still do all the basic, old-school things to improve battery life, such as reducing screen brightness, disabling Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and so on. The one that helps most here, in my experience, is screen brightness, but you need to crank it up to see the Retina Display in bright sunlight.

  6. Consider a battery case or an add-on battery. Battery cases from Kensington, Mophie, and other manufacturers combine a hardware enclosure, which protects your phone, with an extended battery that can double your iPhone's endurance. They average about $70, but there are some lower-cost options as well.
  7. You can view more tip's here.

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